About us
We are lifeguards informally working together for the purpose of improving our pay, benefits and working conditions. We love our jobs and we love serving the people of Austin at the pools!
The views on this website are our personal views. We are not representatives of the City of Austin. This website was created and maintained on our personal time without using any city assets or equipment.
We encourage lifeguards everywhere, whether in Austin, in other Texas cities, across the U.S. or around the world, to speak out for better pay, benefits and working conditions. Organize and advocate for yourselves, for each other and for your communities so that lifeguards are fairly compensated, the lifeguard shortage ends, and communities can enjoy their pools.
You are stronger when you work together. Gain support from members of your communities. Talk to patrons at your pools and to elected officials. Speak to the media.
You can start by working together with your co-workers informally. If a union willing to prioritize advocating for you exists where you work, join the union. If a union does not exist where you work, consider creating one. Follow the examples of workers at Starbucks Workers United and Amazon Labor Union and organize to improve your lives and the lives of people in your communities.